Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 98: Tuesday Treasures

So, normally I do my "Weekly Weigh-In" on Tuesdays because it's the day after my Weight Watchers meeting and it's the time when I can update everyone with my progress.


My mom and I have decided that Monday night Weight Watcher meetings just aren't working out for us. Even if I have a really good week, if I mess up on the weekends it shows on the scale on Monday. But if we were to go later in the week I'd be able to make up for those weekend slip-ups by working out a little harder during the week.


We decided that we're going to go to Friday afternoon meetings instead. This does not give us a license to eat whatever we please on the weekends (I know I still need to do better and be more disciplined). But it will at least afford us the opportunity of relaxing on the weekends and not spending Sunday nights moping around because we don't want to go to our meeting the next day (I keep saying "we", but I think the real problem is just myself...sorry, Mom.).

So the Weekly Weigh-In post will now be on Saturdays. Which means I have an opening for a topic on Tuesdays.

I've decided that Tuesdays blogs will not be about weight loss or wedding stuff necessarily. I just want to use it to share some little gems I've found...whether it's a new product I found at the store, a new website, or just some new information. And I'll call them Tuesday Treasures.

Our first Tuesday Treasure is a site I've come across while doing some detail planning for the wedding. Etsy.com is a site where artisans can put their handmade crafts on the web and sell them.

You can find everything on there from jewelry to clothing, to wedding supplies and, toys, vintage items, music, and the list goes on and on.

Some of the stuff is terribly over priced...but some of the stuff is VERY inexpensive! I've been considering buying a dress I found for $195, but I was mortified by that price tag. I really didn't want to spend that much. I'm not sure that I've ever spent that much on a dress. So I did some searching on Etsy and found one that's similar, but better, for less than half that price! I'm very excited, and I'm working with the seller right now to figure out colors and everything so she can make the dress CUSTOM for me!

I would highly recommend checking out this site if you like unique, pretty, handmade items. You won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. I have been shopping at Etsy, as well. They have so many cute items for babies!! I got a cute little tutu for Micah for half the cost of other websites I've found. Love it!!
