What a day! As a child did you ever read that book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? Well today I would like to inform you that you can officially call me Alexander.
I just want to go back home and crawl into bed and pretend today never happened. In order to prevent myself from writing a novel about my day so far (it's only 1:30pm, by the way), I will provide you with a bullet list of several of the items that have happened so far today.
- migraine
- no migraine medicine
- new migraine prescription is not covered by insurance
- new migraine prescription costs $333.17
- no migraine medicine
- trying to send a fax to the IRS
- busy signal when faxing the IRS
- approximately 25 failed attempts to fax the IRS
- paper jam
- cannot locate paper jam
- still cannot locate paper jam
- paper jam never existed in the first place.
- rock in my shoe
- auditor
- work computer freaked out and closed the program I was working in, subsequently deleting the invoice I was creating.
But geesh! What a crazy day so far! I'm trying to be more positive. A lot of the mishaps from today have already taken care of themselves. I just need to push through it and wait for tomorrow.
On top of all of that, the thing that I have been fearing the most from my Weight Watchers experience finally happened: I gained!
This Week: +1.8lbs.
Total: -6.4lbs.
I can't really explain the weight gain. I wasn't able to workout as much or as strenuously as I normally do. But I still worked out a little. I didn't eat horribly, except for Sunday night (less than 24 hours before my weigh-in). I had to weigh with shoes on because I wasn't wearing socks and they don't allow you to weigh in barefoot. I was wearing layers during my weigh-in. There are a lot of contributing factors here, and I'm not really sure what to blame the gain on.
I know I stuck to my plan pretty well and tried pretty hard this week, so I'll just chalk it up to my body changing and adapting a little bit. I can't let it discourage me. If I continue to gain, though, I may need to think about adjusting my foods or changing up my workout routine.
It's a little scary to have gained weight this week since I'm getting ready to go on a week-long vacation tomorrow. But that gives me all the more motivation to not slack off while I'm traveling.
I have to continue to track my points and get my exercise in. That way I can stay on plan and not have another weight gain when I go back to my meeting.
That's about all I have in me today. I'm not feeling particularly inspirational or whimsical about life at this moment.
But tomorrow is a new day, Adam and I are going to Tennessee to spend some time with his family. And I'm getting to meet some of his high school friends. I'm really looking forward to getting away for awhile. I know it's going to be a great trip!
And please come back tomorrow because I have a really good discussion topic/assignment to share with everyone!
Hope you're all having a better day than I.....
There's always tomorrow! Have a fun trip!