Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 18: YUCK!

I dread writing blogs like this one. It's like I'm dishing out all of my secrets for the world to see and judge me. I absolutely hate signing on to write a blog and tell all of my readers that I did horribly today.

I didn't exercise, and I gorged myself. Right now I feel like my stomach has a knot in it from all of the undigested carbs I have floating around in there, and I'm really wishing I would have just gotten off of my keister for a little while to move around today.

I can specifically point out the wrong turns I took today which led me to my downfall:
1. I woke up late so I decided to skip breakfast, which led me to....
2. I told myself I could eat a big lunch because I hadn't eaten anything all day, but then.....
3. We didn't eat lunch until 3:30, so by that time I thought I was absolutely starving, which caused me to......
4. Overeat by a long shot for my lunch. And eating so late also made me......
5. Feel hungry again around 8:30pm, which is usually evening snack time. Because of all of the empty carbs I had for lunch, I felt hungry for.....

I ate too much and I didn't eat the right things. And the foods I had made me sluggish and tired, rather than energized and satisfied. I am glad that I at least know the triggers that led my astray today, so that I can prevent them in the future.

I think I put too much pressure on myself to be an example. I hate feeling like I'm disappointing people when I have a bad day like today. But I need to realize that the world doesn't rest on my shoulders. All of my readers aren't going to go out and order a large pizza and a bucket o' chicken just because I failed today. I'm not that important.

I just need to understand that there are going to be some bad days and I need to have integrity with my blog. I can't get on here and lie to my readers about how well I'm doing if I've done poorly that day. There are going to be bad days; nobody's perfect. I just need to do my best to make sure those bad days are infrequent and that I learn from them, so I can teach myself how to prevent certain triggers when they arise.

I appreciate everyone who stops by and reads what I have to say on my little blog. I know some days are better than others, and I'm not always the most exciting person. But I am so thankful for the accountability I have with my readers who I know will be checking up on me. I love that it keeps me grounded on days like today when I totally blow it.

So I want to thank you for reading....and if you have any topics you'd like me to cover in the future, please let me know! I'll do whatever research I need to do so I can make it happen.

Tune in tomorrow for a delicious and guilt-free cupcake recipe!

1 comment:

  1. I also had a bad food day is so easy to get off track on the weekend!!! But like you, my stomach was mad at me for the rest of the day. I think the next time I am tempted to pig out like I did, I am going to remember that feeling. Also, I need to remember portion control. Yesterday wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't eaten sooo much. Definitely motivation for me to be good today though :)
