Our Zumba instructor was an incredible ball of energy. She made the class a lot of fun, and I surprised myself with how well I was able to keep up. I think the hard work I've been doing as far as my exercise has really paid off! It was really encouraging to me as we approached the end of the class that I was still alive. The class kicked my butt, but I wasn't as tired and as out of breath as I thought I would be.
I'm looking forward to many more Zumba classes in the future.
Then we all went over to Aunt Cindy's house for a delicious and healthy meal. I got to try the Weight Watchers lemon cakes, which are really good! I'm going to have to try some of those.
I feel like I had a pretty good week...I didn't really blow it with my food at all. I used some of my extra weekly points, but not all of them. And I kept pretty good track of my eating.
The one thing I wish I had more time for this week was exercise. I wasn't able to get as much in as I had planned, but that's okay. I still worked out 3 times this week. Next week I'll step it up a little since I'll be out of town and my eating probably won't be as nutritious as it normally would when I'm in control of everything.
I hope everyone else had a good week, and I'm looking forward to hearing from everyone about the progress they're making!
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