Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 80: Priorities

Oh boy. This has been a crazy week, and especially a crazy last couple of days. I feel like I'm running around constantly. It's good because I'm getting things accomplished, but it's bad because I've allowed my priorities to fall a little out of whack.

My first priority can't be all wedding all the time. I have to make myself remember that life continues even after my wedding is over, and so I need to continue to adopt the same priorities I should have during my "regular" life. Wedding is an added responsibility, but it shouldn't take away from other responsibilities.


I need a realignment of my priorities.

I think the things that are suffering in my life right now are two of the most vital aspects of my life I should focus on: my spiritual heatlh and my physical health.

I need to get back in the Word. It is a lamp to my feet and light for my path.

And I need to get back on the bandwagon with my exercise and nutrition. They are what gives me energy and the ability to do everything else I need to do.

I have only exercised once this week, and I ate horribly yesterday. And I feel bad for it. I feel like I could be a couple pounds lighter than I am right now, had my priorities been right.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how you balance it all? I'm not usually a high-stress person, so I'm not really used to having to juggle all of these crazy things in my life. I'd love to hear from you about how you maintain your sanity and your priorities when life gets hectic.

1 comment:

  1. Well, working on a wedding that is 11 weeks away is a big priority. Don't set too high of expectation of your daily life and then rather than fail you don't even try. Getting back into the Word will help in more ways than you can imagine (I know you know that). Make a commitment to read your Bible first thing in the morning before anything else. Remember God comes first and that will help your day if you start with Him. Also, just face it, you do have a lot going on the next few weeks and try to relax and enjoy the process.
