Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 74: Woopsie!

Guess who forgot to make a blog post yesterday! Aww man, I feel like someone punched me in the gut! I can't believe I missed my first day. I'm sad.

This week has been crazy. There is so much going on and unfortunately my diet and exercise have fallen by the wayside. I'm glad, though, that this hasn't reflected on the scale.

Like my Aunt Cindy said, I may not be doing perfectly with my diet and exercise, but at least I'm not sitting around eating all the time. I have other things to occupy my time.

I just need to learn now to balance everything going on in my life. I need to MAKE time for exercise every day...even if that means I need to get up an hour earlier. And I need to REQUIRE myself to record points values for anything I eat.

It may not be convenient. But I'll be really disappointed if my wedding gets here in 12 weeks and I'm the same weight or more, and 12 weeks of my life will have been wasted.

I know I'm not going to be perfect with Weight Watchers; I never have been. But I need to force myself to be more diligent with my health regimen. That means it needs to be a priority over the wedding stuff. Maybe I'll need to save a couple of phone calls for the next day. Everything will get done (we already have A TON of stuff accomplished so far), and it doesn't all have to get done right now.

Part of my problem is that I'm a very task-oriented person. When I get a roll I don't like to stop until it's all finished. But I just have to overcome that.

My goal for this week is to workout 5 times, and it has to be a GOOD workout! Another goal is to be diligent about my tracking. Starting Monday I want to track every morsel of food that enters into my mouth throughout this next week.

I'm going to do it. No question. Check back with me next week to see!

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