Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 69: Champion Chow

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you're like me, though, breakfast is usually an afterthought that occurs somewhere between realizing you overslept and rushing out the front door with wet hair.
I would say that on about 4 out of every 5 mornings I grab an English muffin and head out the door for work. I always buy the whole wheat variety because they are packed with fiber and much more nutritious than the enriched flour ones.
They're low in calories and fat, and, depending on your topping of choice, they can make a deliciously filling breakfast.
I use reduced fat peanut butter, apple butter, or just good old-fashioned light butter.
The whole-wheat English muffin by itself will cost you about 2 points for most brands. Most regular bagels will set you back 5 or 6 points, and that's without toppings! Even the whole-grain bagels are 4 points.
If you're in need of an occasional bread fix I would highly recommend English muffins. They're quick and easy, they taste great, and they won't bust your gut!

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