Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 90: Fiddlesticks!

I feel terrible for missing yesterday's blog. I should have done it in the morning when I was home, but I spent all my time cleaning house. Then I went over to Springfield for a family get together. And then back to my parents' place because Adam is in town visiting. The only problem is, they have used up all of their Internet for the month, so they are operating at a slower than dial-up speed. I don't really understand how their Internet works over there, but if you want to know more about it you can ask my dad; he loves coming up with new analogies to try to explain it.

So today is Memorial Day. We're going to do our traditional family cookout with the Gorbett side, then Adam and I are heading over to Springfield to hang out with the Jeffers side for a while since they haven't spent much time with him. I figure it's important for them to get to know him since he's going to be my husband and all.....

I'm going to try really hard not to overeat today. I don't have to keep eating all day long, but I can focus on enjoying the company rather than having to have a plate of food in front of me at all times.

Sorry for the short blog again today....I'll be back on track tomorrow. I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day.

And I would like to thank you to anyone who has served our country in any way. Your service to our country makes it possible for us to enjoy the luxuries we often take for granted.

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