Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Archives: The Blessed Curse

November 14, 2006 - Tuesday
Current mood: rejuvenated


Have you ever browsed the "singles" section of your local bookstore? Have you?

Why is it that all books on the topic speak of singleness as if it were some kind of plague or trial to overcome?
What To Do Until Love Finds You
Every Single Woman's Battle
Sex and the Single Guy
8 Great Ways to Find Your Mate
If Men Are Like Buses How Do I Catch One
How to Find A Man Worth Keeping
Lord Help Me...I'm Single
Every SINGLE Day
I Kissed Dating Goodbye
I Gave Dating a Chance
Lady in Waiting

There is even a book called Getting Serious About Getting Married: Rethinking the Gift of Singleness. It's by Debbie Maken. Don't read it unless you enjoy becoming angry and throwing books at walls. I read an article by this lady based on the book. Ms. Maken seems to think that once you reach a certain age, it is your biblical responsibility to be married. Apparently she hasn't heard of Paul or...well, Jesus or anyone else in history who did amazing things without a spouse.

I wrote a blog about this article a while back.

Why are all of our Christian resources on singleness focused on fixing us? I don't get it. Authors are writing all their books about what we DON'T have, rather than encouraging us in the opportunities we do have.
You don't see these titles in the bookstores:
You're Single: Enjoy It While It Lasts
It's Not a Race to the Altar
8 Great Ways Not to Date

Paul wrote:1 Corinthians 7:8-9
Now to the UNMARRIED and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

So there, married people! It looks like us singles are the stronger ones...Okay, so I'm kidding a little. But we need a shift in perspective.

Why does "single" automatically equal "not married"? Why can't "single" mean "one person", living life independently and growing in the Lord....not necessarily "waiting" on anything because my life is happening right now. Maybe "trusting" would be a better term.

I'm not crying out in desperation for a husband. I'd love to be married one day...but it's not right now. And that's fine. I'm a happy, single girl who is just trying to live her life for Jesus...see? We do exist.

Currently listening : Mutemath By Mute Math Release date: 26 September, 2006

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