Ummm, so I was scrolling back through some of my older posts looking for something I wanted to talk about today (more on that later), and I came across THIS ENTRY, in which I asked everyone to think about 5 changes they could make in their life in order to live healthier, to lose weight, to free up clutter, etc. I said I would think about it for a week, and I would post my 5 changes, and I would follow up with everyone else to see what they came up with as far as their changes.
Well, I failed.
I forgot all about that post and the week came and went and nary a word was said about changes! Woops.
So I want to do this exercise again.
I want us all to spend some real time thinking about 5 changes we could make in our lives to help us to be healthier, have more time, be more organized, or whatever it is that is an area of weakness for you.
Maybe you need to give up something you're addicted to: diet coke, sweet tea, the Internet....
Maybe you need to take more time to sit still and reflect on things.
Maybe you need to clear your life of clutter.
I know in my previous post I was talking about a TV show I watch about a lady named Ruby who started out at 716 pounds and has now lost about 400! A couple of the changes she made were to stop drinking diet soda and to start taking the stairs more instead of the elevator. Little things can make a big difference.
I don't know what it is for you, but really spend some time this week thinking about what changes you can make to positively enhance your life, and come back next Wednesday and tell me about it!
Oh yeah, and my "other topic" I wanted to talk about is going to wait for tomorrow....Hint: It has to do with my cousin Brooke's Gluteus Maximus!
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