Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 34: Whew! What a Day!

Today is typically the day where I talk about great foods I've found that make their way into my kitchen. But I really just want to give a brief little review of the day today and get back on track tomorrow or Wednesday with my schedule. Things have been a little chaotic for me today and I really haven't had time to think through what I would like to write for my Champion Chow that will have to wait until next week.

Our time in Tennessee has just about come to a close and we wanted to make the most of our last full day here. So Adam and I loaded up the car and took his niece to the Nashville Zoo. My friend Misti had given us two free tickets, so we only had to buy a $9 child's ticket. That made it the perfect day to go.

We had such a good time. Isabelle had fun talking to the animals. She would make the animal sounds at the animals and wait for them to make the sounds back at her. She loved it. It was so sunny, though. And for some reason in my 27 years of life I've never been able to get it in my head that I'm a fair-skinned person and I need to wear sunscreen.

My arms and neck and back are all sunburned, and we had to make a special trip to Walgreens for some Aloe Vera tonight. But it's okay. I never blister, and hopefully the burn will fade into a tan over the next couple of days. And maybe, just maybe, the pain from the sunburn will help me to remember the importance of sunscreen the next time I find myself outside.

I brought my pedometer along with me to the zoo, and I was shocked to find out that we did an astonishing 9,000 steps while we were there! That's 4.5 miles! I was tired, but I felt great when I saw how far I had walked, and even better when I thought about the fact that I pushed the stroller with Isabelle in it the entire time we were there, which adds some extra oomph to my workout!

I had just enough time to get home and shower before I met up with one of my best friends Misti for dinner and a movie. We had Mexican food for dinner, and it was delicious! I had chicken fajitas which were about 12 points, and so satisfying.

What a wonderful end to our time in Tennessee! Today was the first day I was able to log over 10,000 steps and I feel so proud of myself for what I was able to do.

Tomorrow we're going to Metropolis to explore the Superman sights for awhile, so hopefully I'll be able to get in a good number of steps despite the 6 hour car ride.

I hope everyone had a great Easter....and I hope you're all getting out to enjoy the gorgeous weather we're having. Just remember the Coppertone!

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