I've actually been doing pretty well with my challenges. Yesterday I exercised for over an hour's worth of TV watching.
And I went grocery shopping and parked in the very last spot of the Wal-Mart parking lot. I assumed I would get a lot of steps walking in to the store, then back out of the store with my cart and groceries, and then even more steps when I had to take the cart back to the cart return. But as I was unloading the cart full of groceries into my car, a Wal-Mart employee walked all the way out to me and offered to take the cart for me. So I got cheated out of about 100 steps or so, in my estimation. Go figure the one time Wal-Mart decides to employ their customer service is the time when I don't need them to. I'm still grateful to the cart guy, though. It was a nice gesture, and if I had really wanted those 100 steps, I could have walked to the cart return and back without the cart. All together my grocery shopping experience bought me about 2,000 steps, which is really pretty good.
I ended up weighing myself last night, too, and it turns out that I lost 1.6 lbs. from my last weigh-in (if my scale is synchronized with the Weight Watchers scale, that is). So I'm feeling pretty good about that.
My mom and I have decided to abandon our jogging plan. We just aren't ready for it yet, and we need to build up some more endurance before we're ready to actually jog. I was a little disappointed about this at first, knowing that I had failed at one of my challenges. But then I realized that this is just a part of my journey and one day I will be able to run. Right now I have to build up to that, and I'm working hard.
So overall I'm happy to report that I'm on track this week with my fitness. Wouldn't you know that on the day I'm blogging about my walking I forgot my stinking pedometer!
How's everyone else doing with their fitness goals?
Weight Watchers launched a new Walk-It Challenge that I'm hoping to get some information on when I go to my meeting on Monday. It's a challenge to walk a 5k (about 3.1 miles) sometime in early June. I would love to join in this challenge and push myself to be able to walk 3.1 miles by the time June rolls around. I figure I don't have to participate in an official 5k...I can just do my own some place. Who wants to join me and we'll all get together in June and walk our own 5k?!
Hey Nicole, I logged my miles for the week and I'm at 25.24 miles for week one of my 100 mile April challenge. Now if I could just giving in to the temptation of the Easter candy.