Well, it's official! My daily blogging life has lasted 100 days! And I've only technically missed 2 of them (according to my count!).
I'll admit sometimes the blogging life can get a little boring. There have been days where I simply didn't know what to write about or how to convey it.
But I pushed through (case in point: Day 95).....some posts weren't as good as others, but that's okay.
I just want to thank everyone for stopping by to read the blog every day...or several days at a time. It means a lot to know that people care that much about what's going on in my life.
This fitness journey has been a series of ups and downs, but I'm glad to say that writing this, I'm lighter and more fit than I was on Day 1 way back in March.
But I feel like over the last 100 days I have gotten a sense of how to eat healthy (I don't always choose to do that), and how to push myself physically when it comes to exercise (I don't always do that, either).
Now comes the tricky part...I know HOW to get where I want to be; I just have to figure out how to discipline myself to actually GO there!
Self-discipline is hard for most people, I think. It's easier to follow rules if someone else makes them and expects you to obey. But establishing rules for yourself is tougher because there's no accountability. If I tell myself that I'm not going to eat junk food for an entire month that's great....but who's going to be there to throw down the consequences when I break that rule?
So maybe the next 100 days can be a journey of self-discipline...and figuring out exactly how to put all of my knowledge about good health into practice.
Thanks again for reading, and I hope you keep stopping by! The daily blog is supposed to go for 6 months, which means I have a little less than 3 months left....
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