Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 128: A New Phone and a New Look

Don't worry, you're not at the wrong blog...I've decided to do a little mini makeover. I'm not in love with this look yet, so don't be surprised if the appearance continues to change a little over the next couple of weeks.

I just thought it was time for something new and fresh...I don't know about you, but I got sick of looking at that same green background every day.

What do you think of this look? Should I switch to something else? I was hesitant to choose this particular background image because the color scheme is similar to what I had before. I think it's different enough to offer a fresh perspective, though. We'll see.

I got my new iPhone yesterday! I'm not too much of a technology geek, but I can appreiciate a fine piece of workmanship. And the iPhone is just that. The picture quality is astounding! Everything looks so crisp and clean.

And I'm glad to now have a phone that has old iPhone was the first generation one that didn't have any G's (Adam likes to make fun of me for saying it like that, but it's how my brain works).

Supposedly the screen resolution on the iPhone 4 is better than the human eye can even perceive. Whether this is true or why this is necessary, I will never know. But I can tell you that the screen is about a million times better than my old phone. And I never thought my old phone had a bad picture or anything.

I was surprised about a few things with the phone:
  1. I couldn't believe how heavy the phone was. To me, it seemed like the new iPhone, even though it is 25% thinner than the old phones, was significantly heavier than the old phones. Adam said this may be due to the fact that the battery is larger. I don't know. It's not painfully heavy or anything; it just feels very different.
  2. Maybe this is an Apple thing, and since I'm just starting to join on the Apple bandwagon, I don't know. But I was a little disappointed that there weren't any new ringtone options on this phone. There also weren't any new signal noises, either. I don't know why they didn't include any. Again, maybe Apple exclusively uses one set of sounds for all of their iPhones. I don't know.
  3. I was also shocked at how easily the phone smudges. I had the phone for approximately one hour before I went to Best Buy to buy a screen protector, and it was completely smudged on the front and back. I'm not sure why Apple would design something that can't stay clean. If we can put a man on the moon, and create a screen that's better than the human eye, surely we can invent a smudge-proof glass to go on the iPhone.

Those are my only complaints so far about the phone. There are many more pros than cons I would say. From the HD camera and video camera, to the front facing camera for video chatting (called Face Time on the iPhone), to the crystal clear screen and the thinner, sleeker look of the phone, to the longer battery life (I've had mine operating for almost 24 hours now...using it A LOT and I'm still over half of my battery life), to the speed of the phone and the ease of the use, it's a great phone to have. There is a new feature on the phone where you can multi task. I haven't explored that option yet. And there is also a way to organize all the apps on your phone into various folders, much like a desktop computer. I haven't experimented with that one, either.

But I am a happy girl with a 3G Smart Phone and I am looking for opportunities to use it. So maybe you should expect a call from me soon!

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