Friday, August 25, 2006

Archives: In Loving Memory of the Celestial Body Formerly Known as the Planet Pluto

August 25, 2006 - Friday

My day began exceptionally cheerfully. I awoke with a smile on my face...a rarity to say the least. I arrived at work with no major problems thus far in my day, and I signed on to my homepage at work, as is the norm for me. I always check the headlines and see what has been happening in the world. I have trouble with newspapers...they are too big and i always get them all mangled. There's no way for me to mess up a news website, that is my source of choice.

As I scrolled through the top headlines covering various issues from the morning after pill, to crisis in the middle east, to terrorism, to vengeance for a young girls' alleged killer, one particular headline caught my eye:

Pluto Demoted

"Hmm," I thought. "I wonder if that has something to do with Disney. So I clicked and that's when my day started to grow sour.

The opening line of the story was all I needed to read. Pluto, the ninth planet in our solar system, has been downgraded to a dwarf planet.

My chest began to feel tight, and my breathing was becoming increasingly sporatic and uncontrolled. I felt a heaviness on my shoulders as I began to think about that poor, lonely planet, hanging out there on the edge of our solar system...too cold to support life, too dark to reveal its beauty...and I began to weep on the inside.

How could they do this? They can't just "decide" something is not a planet anymore! Are they just going to throw out everything I ever learned in grade school? Who defines what a "planet" is anyway? It's just not fair. I've grown up knowing Pluto, loving it...Dreaming about the day when our technology could one day take us there. How can they just throw everything away like that?

Well, Pluto, you will always be a planet in my heart. Some scientists at Nasa can't determine your worth...and I, for one, am going to take a stand against this injustice! Let's stand up for Pluto and Pluto-kind.

...and that feeling lasted for about 5 minutes...until I recalled that the last time the planet Pluto had crossed my mind must have been back in grade school...

Oh harm, no gain. I'm over it.

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