Friday, June 30, 2006

Archives: Flying Tips for Superman

Friday, June 30, 2006
Archives: Flying Tips for Superman
June 30, 2006 - Friday
Current mood: curious

I just saw the new Superman movie tonight...I wasn't going to go, but my wonderful and gorgeous friends Ali and Kim talked me into it. I thought I would hate it, but I actually quite enjoyed myself. I'm taking my brother to see it sometime soon again.

But, I do have a few questions for the man himself.

1. Don't you think you'd get better trajectory if you flew with your hands open, palms facing down, rather than the closed fist thing you do? I just think it would be more convenient for steering purposes...You don't see birds flying with their wings folded up...they spread them out. But, then again, I suppose that wouldn't help with the rumors that you are aren't are you?

2. Which leads to my second question....When are you planning to come rescue me? (That man is a talk drink of water...amazing, only he wears a little too much makeup)

3. Does it bother you that Lois Lane's eyes are two different colors? (If you go see the movie, check it out...her left eye is blue and her right eye is brown...this is particularly noticeable in the hospital scene)

4. What's with the jerry curl? (My friends and I were discussing must be the jerry curl that renders him unrecognizeable to the general public and anyone else who knows Clark Kent...Kim posed an interesting thought on this matter: he must take the time after ripping his clothes off in an elevator to slick back his hair and then delicately form the curl and place it just so on his forehead)

5. Have you ever considered moving to a rural farm community in, say, Iowa or something? It appears to me you would have fewer demands if you were to live in a less populated area.

I have also decided that, as amazing and masculine and sexy and heroic as Superman is, I would never want to be in a relationship with him...That guy is just too busy. I would never get to spend any time with him, unless I got myself hurt or kidnapped or something...and that's really a lot of trouble to go to just to see someone. But if Clark is ever around, he can give me a call.

The movie is excellent for anyone who wants to go see it...It may be a little scary for children under 10. But there's not any language, nudity or sex in it. There is some violence, though...just a fair warning, and it is also nearly three hours long, so be sure to sit near the aisle so you can get out for a potty break if you need to...My mistake tonight, I had to climb over a couple of elderly people about 20 minutes into the movie.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Archives: Don't See The Lakehouse Unless You're Planning on Being Confused for the Rest of Your Life

June 27, 2006 - Tuesday
Current mood: distressed

I went tonight to see The Lakehouse...the new film starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves...Sandra, I'm okay with, but I have never enjoyed a single film, talk show, interview, commercial, preview, photo, or anything else featuring Keanu.

But I decided to go for it. You never know, perhaps he picked up some thespian skills since the last time I saw him.

As I was sitting in the theater, partaking of this blockbuster film, certain thoughts kept running loose through my mind. Thoughts I could not control, thoughts that are still with me now, thoughts such as...

If you're writing letters to someone in the past and they are in the future, does that mean there is some other dimension of life going on around us? Is there a 'me' two years from now, living my life...and is there a 'me' two years ago living my same life? And how could the two dimensions ever intersect with each other? And if someone should happen to intersect, and try to make a change, such as to prevent an accident from happening, which dimension does it change? The future would have already been happening and the present is going on right now, so the only dimension that would be changed would be the past, right? And what's the benefit of that? And if the past changes, then how does that affect the future (or the present for those of us living in the future dimension of the past)? And why does Keanu Reeves always sound like he's still in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure no matter what type of role he is playing? And did that part of the movie occur in 2002, 2004, 2006? And did they get together in 2006 or 2008? And why didn't I think to bring a piece of gum with me after eating Fiesta Lime Chicken for dinner? And if people are messing around in the past dimension, do we realize it now in the future dimension? How does that affect our memories? Or perhaps we are not changing the future at all, but merely putting things into place so they can occur how they would have anyway...

This is why I can no longer watch films involving time travel and the like. I'm still obsessing over it. I can't figure it out. Maybe I'm just a little dim...or maybe I just need to remind myself that it's all just an imaginary story afterall.

If anyone else has seen this movie and understood it, or any other movie involving these past and present storylines, please enlighten me.